Friday 7 November 2014

NHS again

Back on the NHS theme again. I had not anticipated that I would have much, or anything, to say about it until I had met with the good folk at University College Hospital (UCH) on the 10th of December, but a couple of things happened today that I could not resist writing about.

After a lot about the failings of the local NHS, it is a real pleasure to be able to relate some good news about how it can work well. One relates to Medway Hospital, the other to the good sense and planning at UCH.

You may recall that the MRI scan I had to look at my prostate revealed another potential problem which led to an endosocopy the other week. The bits that were removed during this duly went off to the pathology department at Medway Hospital with the usual assurance that results would be available in "about 2 weeks".

Forgive me, but after waiting 4 weeks last time, I did not have a lot of faith in the 2 week estimate. But no, I got home yesterday to find a message from the surgeon asking me to call him back. Tried, he was busy "in theatre". Love that expression; conjures pictures of surgeons and amateur dramatics..............mind you, there are an awful lot of surgeons who enjoy a drama!

This afternoon, the 'phone rang (or, strictly speaking, warbled a bit) and there was the good professor on the other end. He had actually taken the time to telephone in order to tell me that the histology report revealed nothing sinister. You may recall that I quoted my experiences in the endoscopy suite as a study in excellence the other week; well, this phone call confirmed my view. Well done Medway Hospital, or at least, well done Professor Wegstapel.

The other good thing arrived in the post; it was an MRI appointment UCH which has been booked for the 13th of December (a saturday). 

One of my criticisms of  Medway hospital was that everything was done in series i.e. seen by someone, they refer you for an investigation, you go back to them, they refer you for something else etc etc etc. Weeks in between each stage. Nothing like that at UCH, they understand what will be needed and book you in advance. What would have stretched to 2, 3 or 4 weeks locally will happen in 3 days at one of the big London Hospitals!

A topical music clip for a change. For those of you who do not live in the UK, and for anyone who is not really into politics, this may be a bit obscure. Believe it or not, the man singing was actually a Minister in the British Government until 4 day ago..........

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