Thursday 21 July 2016

The end...............or is it?

Two and a half weeks after the last blood test, the result finally arrived! Please forgive me if I do not let you into the secret just yet; my old NHS training seems to have kicked in, so I feel honour bound to prevaricate for a while before getting to the point. 

There have been a lot of points on this journey, most of which have been at the end of a large needle (apologies to any needle phobics). If I hear the phrase "just a little prick" from one more professional, I think I might scream and scream until I am sick (if you are not familiar with the Just William books, check out Violet Elizabeth Bott on Google; I am sure she will have an entry. Other search engines are, of course, available).

Given the lack of continuity, I am never quite sure whether I am writing for an audience that is familiar with the whole story, or just the odd random "hit". I am pleased to report, however, that pageviews have now passed the 3,000 mark; not bad for the tale of an old bloke in Kent afflicted with a pretty common health problem. I do, however, have the ability to "spy" on you all, so I can confirm that the vast majority of recent readership has come from Spain, with a few from France. Just when the UK is about to quit the EU..............!!!!! 

If you have read this blog before, you will be familiar with the odd digression, or even the regular digressions (no access to emoticons on this site, damn!). For some of you, these may be the most entertaining part, although i suspect that it is the "what on earth is he going to dig up next?" element of the music links that is the real attraction.Be that as it may, a couple of quick thoughts:

Europe: the UK has managed to cram 50 years' worth of politics into a month and is still going! For some reason, there is confusion between the intention to leave the European Union and Europe. I will not reveal how I voted, or indeed whether I voted, but I hope that all those across the watery divide realise that this is no reflection on the people who live there. I won't go so far as to say that we love you all, or that all of us are loveable, but it was nothing personal.

The second thought it on bureaucracy: if you are fed up with bureaucracy and think that you are the only one, I would thoroughly recommend a book called "More Human" by Steve Hilton. I can only hope that politicians across the world read it and take note!

Sorry, those probably belonged in the other blog..............the one that no one reads on account of the fact that it was usually out of date within days of being written and I have essentially given up on.

OK, I have left you wondering long enough, you probably have better things to do. The "normal" PSA level is 4 ng per whatsit; my last test revealed a level of 5.4 (weren't you paying attention when reading the relevant post?). The latest came out at 3.4 Yippee!.......or perhaps not : (  Also contained in the letter was another test form and an invitation to present myself at the leech department in November. I am not normally one to count his fowl before they emerge from the shell, but I am going to take the latest result as the nominal end and assume that it has gone away...............

This could be the last ever post, or it might not. I am reluctant to engage in Frank Sinatra behaviour, but I have to say that writing here again has been rather good fun. For the sake of completeness, I will definitely put something up in November but you never know, the odd post might appear between now and then.

A potentially final act is to ask something of you the reader. I know that this has been unsuccessful in the past as you are a reticent crowd, but this might appeal. I would love your advice on what design of tattoo I should have to represent coming out the other side. The obvious is a phoenix as symbol of re-birth, but you may have much better ideas. If you interact with the blog in no other way, I really would appreciate your input on this one.

Enough of all that, you need a song or two as a reward. It has been very hot here (by UK standards) over the last few days, so the first was inspired by that. The second was one I re-discovered whilst browsing links associated with the first. The third (a bonus song!!) is just plain fun, but does have a good dig at intolerance


Wonderful world


Sorry, could not resist a last link just for a laugh. One of the 20th and 21st centuries greatest diplomatic talents

Tuesday 12 July 2016

One more to go

Two years on, and the end is in last!

This will be a very short entry..................I can be merciful!

Before I explain that one, just a note of thanks to the readers of this blog. A few of you have stuck with it through thick, thin and downright boring; some have dipped in never to be seen again; some have picked a topic  and followed it and others have probably followed for a while before getting fed up. Whatever your reasons dear readers, thank you. People have come from the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey India, Russia, the USA, Canada and more countries I cannot recall. Yesterday, the total page views went over 3,000. I have no idea what constitutes "success" in garnering page views, but over 3,000 seems a lot to me! 

A little over a week ago, I had what I hope will be the final blood letting (it was at Medway Hospital, but fortunately they have given up using leeches in favour of needles these days). With good luck and a following wind, the result should be here in a few days and will represent the conclusion of the story. As and when it arrives, I shall bore you all one last time.

Until then, a song..........enjoy


Have a funny feeling I might have posted that one before. Just in case, here's another:

Don;t Look Back