Tuesday 12 July 2016

One more to go

Two years on, and the end is in sight...............at last!

This will be a very short entry..................I can be merciful!

Before I explain that one, just a note of thanks to the readers of this blog. A few of you have stuck with it through thick, thin and downright boring; some have dipped in never to be seen again; some have picked a topic  and followed it and others have probably followed for a while before getting fed up. Whatever your reasons dear readers, thank you. People have come from the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey India, Russia, the USA, Canada and more countries I cannot recall. Yesterday, the total page views went over 3,000. I have no idea what constitutes "success" in garnering page views, but over 3,000 seems a lot to me! 

A little over a week ago, I had what I hope will be the final blood letting (it was at Medway Hospital, but fortunately they have given up using leeches in favour of needles these days). With good luck and a following wind, the result should be here in a few days and will represent the conclusion of the story. As and when it arrives, I shall bore you all one last time.

Until then, a song..........enjoy


Have a funny feeling I might have posted that one before. Just in case, here's another:

Don;t Look Back

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