Friday 24 April 2015

Here we go again.............

I thought that I might start by apologising for being back with more trivia to bore you, but then it struck me that you are here of your own free will, so if you read on, on your own head be it. Not sure whether the idiom will translate well for readers from Russia or the USA, but I am sure you will work it out.

If you have been following this so far, you may remember that sometime at the start of March UCLH decided that it would not be wise to treat me and referred me back to my local services. Regular readers will know that I am a good and compliant NHS patient, so I put my faith in the NHS ability to write and send letters. If you have read previous posts, you can probably guess what happened next..............

You guessed it: nothing!

After about three weeks, I emailed UCLH and asked for a copy of the letter that they had sent. No response, but curiously a copy arrived by first class post the next day. Even more curiously, I received a response to my email the day after that asking for my hospital number so that they could track the letter down. The phrase "the cheque is in the post" springs to mind.

Satisfied that the letter had been sent, I again played "good patient" and waited for a response from the local service. Three guesses...........


On Monday this week I called the oncologist's secretary and asked whether they had received a letter from UCLH. Good job I had a copy; they had not received the letter. Scanned my copy and emailed it over to her.

This afternoon, by first class post, an appointment letter arrived. Over 6 weeks, and only that quick because I chased both ends; I hate to think what would happen to anyone who was not prepared to get stuck in and chase their own referrals.

Just to underline the NHS idea that we (the people who fund it) have nothing better to do, the appointment is for Monday. I have an important Board meeting on Monday, but have had to give apologies as even I cannot face the thought of yet more chasing to get another appointment.

Enough of me ranting about the shortcomings of the NHS. I should be grateful; after all, it is only 9 months since this journey never know, I might actually get treated before we hit the 12 month mark.........or I might not.

For any reader who is from the UK and intending to vote in 2 weeks' time: if any of the candidates in your constituency says the NHS is wonderful, think very carefully before believing anything that they say.

.....and now a tune. Something which is both appropriate and highly inappropriate at the same time. Does not matter, it is a great song anyway......(that piqued your interest and will make you click on the link!)

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