Friday 1 May 2015

All planned out

I know that I have been here before, but it looks as if treatment might finally be in sight. It might not be the treatment that I wanted, but it should buy me a few years, unless I am part of the unlucky 10% who suffer disabling side effects in which case.............we won't go there.

After a very poor start to the relationship with the Mid Kent Onclology Centre i.e. being told something which turned out to be far from true, things started moving properly yesterday.

The day started badly: went to collect the antibiotics in preparation for next week's implants and had to wait 45 minutes whilst a pharmacy department which seemed to be overrun with staff came up with a simple and, I suspect, common pack of drugs. Given that one gets 30 minutes free parking and that minute 31 on costs at least £2, I was beginning to suspect a subtle ruse designed to increase hospital income. Saved by a lovely receptionist who validated my parking ticket, so did not have to pay.

The post arrived at lunchtime as usual; contained within it was a letter from the MKOC which included a schedule of appointments. In abstract, seven and a half weeks of radiotherapy does not sound too bad, expecially if you say it quickly. When confronted with just over two pages of appointments, it starts to look pretty daunting! Radiotherapy proper will start on 23rd June and end on 12th August (that's 6/23 to 8/12 for my USA reader(s)).

The good bit is that someone listened. I had asked that the times were consistent i.e. the same time every day, so that I coud carry on with real life and, particularly, continue working . Every radiotherapy appointment is either at 08:30 or 08:45. Well done MKOC. There are a couple of "Macmillan Radiographer Review" entries (whatever they are!) which are at 09:15, but that should not be too much of a problem. I am guessing that these are short appointments to make the senor Radiographers feel better; happy to play that game as long as they fulfill their part of the contract.

All sounds good, possibily too good, but I shall suspend disbelief and return to my usual view that people do a good job to the best of their ability until proven otherwise. Providing everything else runs as planned and to time, I shall not make too much fuss over the initial untruth. A bit of a fuss, and perhaps a bit of humiliation for WMS (you should have read the last couple of posts!) as and when the opportunity arises.......................she needs to be told just in case she really does not understand what goes on in the department.

I was going to find a relevant upbeat song to end on, but the news that Ben E King died today sort of overtook that one. Here are a couple of his:

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