Wednesday 12 August 2015

Made it!

I am pleased to announce to anyone who cares to read this that my daily visits to the KOC radiotherapy department are now over. Only one word for it:


In the true spirit of the NHS there was, of course, a "spoiler" in the form of a short leaflet explaining that the side effects would last for another few weeks. In an effort to reassure those who find this deeply worrying, it gave telephone numbers that I could call if I was worried about anything to do with the treatment, side effects etc. Guess who would be at the other end? You got it: a "Macmillan Radiographer"................fat lot of use that would be. As I think I might have said before, I prefer that people labelled as "expert" know more than me about their subject, or are at least helpful in some way; unfortunately both WMS and G showed themselves to be sadly lacking. I will grant, however, that WMS obviously has some skill as a technician.

By contrast, the last set of radiographers that I saw were excellent. I had met all of them before at various times and they expressed what seemed like genuine pleasure that today was my last session. It could be that they had found me so odious that it was a relief, but if that was the case they hid it well. When I said that I would now get another tattoo to celebrate, they wanted an explanation of the first one and seemed interested in what the next would be. Full marks to them.

I to did pause with the wonderful receptionist to thank her for brightening the mornings. I also enquired about the identity of the manager; I will write to her expressing (some) of my thoughts on the service at KOC.

Before I bid the subject of KOC farewell, an observation on something that people are very quick to complain about, but never seem to notice otherwise. Every morning, the same man was assiduously cleaning the reception area, corridors etc. I expect that he does much more than that, but 08:30 is obviously floor cleaning time. The place was spotless! I have never seen a floor that clean; it puts my kitchen to shame. After 7 weeks of padding back and forth in the same hospital non-slip socks (worn over my own in case you are thinking that they must be a bit rank by now!), there is barely a mark on them. Needless to say, this will be included in the feedback to the service manager.

The very observant of you might have noticed that I am writing this in the morning at a time when I am usually semi-conscious or comatose. I can only ascribe this to adrenalin resulting from the thrill of being free of the place. If only the NHS had done the right thing and prescribed some amphetamines, I could have been feeling like this every morning........a lesson to learn there chaps? (and chapesses of course).

I expect that those of you have been dutifully digesting this blog day after day are feeling relieved that I will now go away and you can break the habit? Sorry to disappoint, there will be more to come. The joy of side effects tailing off (I hope), then the suspense as to whether the last 7 weeks have been effective in getting rid of the cancer. Interestingly, no-one has mentioned timescales although I am, aware that the diagnostic competence for prostate cancer is so poor that the outcome is based on whether my PSA level has gone down at some point, undefined, in the future. Whatever the outcome from that, whenever it may be known, it is certainly the end of treatment from my point of view; nature can take its course from now on, whether for good or ill.

Before I sign off and allow myself to rest, a plea that I have made a few times before. I will give this its own blog post later, but I would be fascinated to get some feedback. Did you arrive here by accident, or on purpose? Are you a survivor? Are you newly diagnosed? Are you just following this because of the evident quality of the writing and modesty of the author? Have you enjoyed it? Most importantly, has it been useful?

I think that there is the facility on this blog to send comments without them being published, so if you are worried about everyone seeing your answer I can guarantee that I will not let it be published if you ask me not to. If you are still worried about being "seen" in public, please feel free to drop me an email at  I promise not to share anything with anyone else if you do not want me to. 

Enough, time for today's song. I have been saving this one from day one and it is by one of my favourite bands. Unfortunately, like most of the music I have shared with you over the months, most of the band are no longer with us. Must be something to do with my age..................

As usual, headphones on, volume up and enjoy!

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