Thursday 6 August 2015

Only a few more to go

I should really have written this yesterday, but I fell asleep....................

After 33 sessions of radiotherapy, I now only have 4 to go! It actually feels a bit strange that the end is in sight as I have now become used to the daily routine of attending KOC (Kent Oncology Centre, please keep up!), being briefly irradiated and returning home to walk the dogs before the inevitable fatigue cuts in. Unfortunately for them, both their walks and their owner's temper have become progressively shorter as the weeks have passed. I ascribe both of these to the progressive fatigue effect.

What will I miss when it comes to an and next Wednesday?

Fighting my way through the rush hour traffic, dodging the particularly bonkers drivers as best I can? Nope

Sitting in the car park at the hospital when I arrive too early (which is almost every day as I have to allow up to an hour to travel 12 miles)? Nope

The cheery smile and greeting of the receptionist at KOC? Yes

The amazingly fetching hospital pyjama bottoms, sometimes complete with permanent stains and always much, much to large? Nope

The radiographers who ensure that I am in the right place in the machine and irradiate me every morning? Yes. I rarely see the same ones two days in a row, but all have been pleasant and a few have been genuinely good fun to talk to. I will probably eulogise about the top two or three on the blog when all this is over.

The "Macmillan" radiographers? Definitely not!!!

The side effects? Definitely not!! I just hope that they do not last too long after all this finishes.

As you might have gathered, on balance(!) I will be glad when all this has finished. I am trying hard not to count down, but today's song will probably betray me..........

I will post an entry next Wednesday when I am free of KOC. I already have the song for that one lined up................. Then we enter the "has it worked or not ?" phase, so you might not be free of me just yet.

The song. It is a slightly awkward "cut", but I chose this version as it blends the version used for a popular tv programme (if you remember it, you are giving your age away; if you do not, a quick google search will tell you all you need to know!) with a live performance. As the "yoof" say: enjoy......

Uh huh, it was the.....

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