Sunday 15 November 2015

3 Months on

Firstly, an apology: I have been neglecting the blog. Probably because nothing much has happened and I am sure that you don't want me to prattle on about irrelevant stuff...............mind you, not many people have been looking at it recently, so perhaps I am just talking to myself (no change there then!).

3 months have now passed since I finished being zapped. Did it work? Am I free of the cancer? The short answer is that I have absolutely no idea! 6 weeks ago, blood was taken to establish whether my PSA level had gone down. 4 weeks after the blood test I received a letter from the consultant saying that the level had not gone down. Ho hum. He did, however, enclose another form for a blood test with the suggestion that I have another go in January.

I would imagine that for most people this might come as a bit of a disappointment, but I have to say that I am not at all surprised. As usual, I had done some research before seeing the consultant and discovered that PSA levels do not usually go down for several months after radiotherapy and may even go up in the short term. The result therefore came as absolutely no surprise. Indeed, it made me think that the NHS was wasting time (theirs and mine) again.

By now, you are probably used to me griping about the inefficiency of the British National Religion that is the NHS, so I will pass no further comment other than that  it might reduce the number of useless appointments if they pointed people to internet references.

Not a lot more to say really. Still a bit tired every now and again, which I take to be a side effect, but otherwise nothing much seems to have changed (thank goodness!).

In the almost complete absence of any feedback and the falling "hits" I am not sure whether it is worth continuing with this blog. If anyone shows interest I am happy to continue, but otherwise I will probably only update it a few times more and then let it slide gracefully into internet oblivion......... if you have strong views either way, please do leave a comment or get in touch.

Today's song is not a song, it is an entire album! It is the first album I ever bought (so you can guess my age pretty easily from this one) and I was reminded of it the other day. Like the other links, best listened to through headphones to catch the effect. Have fun with it!

Electric Warrior

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