Wednesday 8 July 2015

Real side effect.........

Back again!

I really did not expect to be writing anything for a few days at the very least, but thought that this might be a useful bit of foreknowledge for anyone else who might be about to start radiotherapy.

You may recall that I referred to "nodding off" the other day? I was aware that tiredness is a reported side effect of radiotherapy, but like most things I have met so far on the quest, I sort of assumed that it was something I could overcome by force of mind / will. OK, I have done pretty well so far, but in this case.........

Those who know me will appreciate that the "w" word is not a word I use often..........and especially not when referring to myself, but this time I have to admit to what a politician might refer to as a slight under-estimation of the reality of the situation. Messrs Tsipras and Miliband spring to mind.
Getting up in the morning is no problem at all, in fact I am getting up rather earlier than I was used to; driving to KOC for 08:30 easy (providing the traffic is behaving); walking to dogs when I return from the day's radiotherapy session, fun; functioning between the hours of 11:30 and 14:00.................not good at all. After 14:00, no problem again. This is the point at which treatment becomes a real problem as most of the daytime meetings I have to go to start between 11:00 and 14:00. In the words of the Bard, a f*****g nuisance.
I have now resolved that I will visit my GP asap to get something to help with this one, there are people that I just cannot let down. Let's hope that the risk averse culture we now live in allows him to prescribe a whole heap of amphetamines or whatever the modern equivalent is.
Our risk averse culture is something that I will devote a whole post to in the near future, particularly given the tale that a regular reader related to me today. Look out for that one, you might enjoy it!
You deserve something special in the way of music after that one, so a little ditty which fits with the theme of "risk". Hopefully it will make you smile : )

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