Monday 27 July 2015

25 down

I did promise that I would try not to post too much during the boring phase of trundling up and down to KOC (strictly speaking it is down and up, but I shall not let topography get in the way!). I will confess that nothing earth shattering has happened since my last post, but I am afraid that I was starting to miss writing the blog. Sorry. This will be a short one though. 

It is now 5 weeks since I started the daily commute to KOC. To mark this, the schedule entry for tomorrow includes another "review" with a Macmillan radiographer. Before I comment on that, I think that there are a couple of groups of people who deserve a mention..........

The Radiographers
The people actually lining me up on the table and zapping the offending part have been universally pleasant. They are an interesting bunch and I rarely, if ever, see the same people from one day to the next; so far I must have seen the majority of the 40 or so in the extended team at least once. Just make life more interesting, they occasionally include students. 

Some are crisp and business-like, others manage to retain a professional air, but are willing to engage in a little light-hearted conversation. There is even the occasional moment of laughter in these exchanges. In my opinion, the ability to laugh with people should be an essential quality in all clinical and front of house staff; a bit of humour can transform the atmosphere.

Fellow "victims"
An interesting a very varied bunch, some engage in conversation, others affect a "thousand yard stare". A good cross section of the great British public, with one puzzling exception. I know that Maidstone and its environs are not known for their diversity, but KOC covers a lager area which takes in the Medway towns, and yet I have not seen anyone having their prostate zapped who is not white. This strikes me as extremely odd; what on earth is going on? Are people not accessing services? If I was running one of the local Clinical Commissioning Groups, I think that I would be asking questions.

Back to the impending "review"..........

So far I have experienced two reviews and learned that: a) they will not have a clue as to how effective the treatment is / has been until after it has finished and b) it seems to be beyond their abilities to provide any help at all for side effects. Neither session has added anything to my knowledge, so I am at a loss as to the purpose of the things. 

Are they meant to make me feel reassured? They don't

Do they have any effect on my treatment? No

As far as I can make out, the purpose of a "review" is solely to justify part of the work of a more highly paid radiographer than those actually administering the treatment. In short, they are a complete waste of my time; I will not be attending the appointment tomorrow.

Fortunately for you, one of the effects of the fatigue is that I cannot sit up for hours writing a blog............time for a tune. A woman with one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard, but you have probably never heard of her. Turn up the volume and enjoy!

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