Thursday 25 September 2014

Bone Scan and another State Secret

Time for the Bone Scan...........

Back to the hospital at lunchtime to be made radioactive prior to having the scan. 3 hours prior to be precise.

Negotiated the interesting wayfinding to a department tucked away in a corner with the grand title of "Nuclear Medicine". Greeted by smiling person in white overalls who registers my presence and asks me to sit in the waiting room.

Bang on time, summoned by a very cheery nurse (I think she was a nurse) who smiled, chatted and explained, as far as she could, what she was going to put into my vein: sterile water that has been passed over something radioactive. Full marks, she was excellent, even told me the short cut to get back to my car.

3 hours later, back to the hospital again. Made a big mistake by using one of the loos 2 floors below Nuclear!, so much for any form of infection control!!!

Greeted by the same nurse with another big smile. Warm, friendly, just what you need. 15 minutes later summoned by name by a woman in a white overall, told to go to the loo again (theirs was spotless!) and to sit on a green chair in a corridor. Invited into the scanning room by the woman in white who checked who I was again and failed to introduce either herself or the very young man standing with her. I asked. Was told their names and that the young chap was a student. Nothing personal, but I do not "do" students" so he was sent elsewhere.

Had to empty pockets and take belt off. Not sure whether that was because it might interfere with the machine or whether they thought I might try to hang myself with it!

Asked if I would be able to take a look at the pictures once the scan had been completed. Horror!! Only doctors are allowed to do this, not the "patients". Apparently we are not trusted to be involved in what is happening to us due to Departmental Protocols. If he sees fit, my consultant may show me at a later date. Is this an NHS thing, or just Medway Hospital?

Crisp, automaton-like efficency only gave way to a sort of grudging obsequiousness later when I told her about some of the people my partner and I know.................

Into the machine, nothing remarkable, out again about 45 minutes later. Made sure that I had checked that the films would be "read" by tomorrow morning (yes), who was reading them (given the name) and who the Clinical Director was (also given the name).

All diagnostics completed, now just the wait to see the Great Man. No idea when that will be.........

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