Monday 29 September 2014

Today is the day!

Meeting with The Great Man later this morning to find out what the options are.......

After weeks of waiting, wondering, railing against the flawed bureaucracy of the NHS and generally not being very nice to be around, I will at least be able to start planning for whatever lies ahead. Having spent so long building up to today, written out the questions that I need answering and planned how I will play the meeting, I am curiously calm about it. Not sure what mental state I will be in later, but for some reason Friedrich Nietzsche springs to mind:

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

Heavy stuff done, time for a song. Not sure why this one sprang to mind.........

Catch up later............breakfast to be eaten, dog to be walked.........................

Well, that is that! More tests needed, but they were not pre-booked! Just when I thought that I might take a step forward, I go backwards again..........will add a new page once I have talked to my partner and got my head together.

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