Wednesday 24 September 2014

Day 62

According to the National Cancer Targets, my treatment should have started no later than today. Obviously it cannot as I still need to have a bone scan (tomorrow) and the clinicians then need to hold a meeting to decide what treatment they will offer...........

I have already been told who the next consultation will be with, but not when. I think that they do things in sequence rather than in parallel, hence everything takes longer than it needs to. Have sent an email to the consultant to see whether he can move things along a bit and inject some logic. Uncertaintly about the future is one thing, uncertainty about what may or may not happen next week is paralysing!

Put a link to this on Twitter today. Have no clue as to how these things are meant to work, but the local newspaper obviously does; they are "following" me. If you are reading this folks: thanks.

Also sent links to Medway Hospital and to their PALs department just in case they want to understand a real person's experience. If they are reading this: full marks!

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