Friday 17 October 2014

A real turn up!

If you read yesterday's post, you may remember that today was the day for the "nuclear" option. I had planned to go into action at 14:00 prompt, but first tried a few emails to see if I could provoke any action:

An email to the specialist nurse asking her to pursue the appointment with the Oncologist

An email to the Professor asking that he refer me direct to the Institute of Urology in London (they do the modern treatments)

An email to my GP enquiring as to whether he could make a referral to the IoU

A phone call to the Oncologist's secretary asking what had happened to my referral

Meanwhile, having heard nothing by 14:00, I established a new Twit identity to protect myself from retaliation and started to draft a blog entry detailing the issues so far. The plan was to "point" the local newspaper at it and to give the local politicians, CQC and CCG a chance to look if they wanted. The aim was to get the newspaper involved on the back of a very contentious by-election and drag the rest along to score points, defend, attack or whatever else they wanted to do. I was literally 10 minutes away from completing the blog post and hitting the "publish" button, when........

2 out of 4 yeilded results! Naturally, the Oncologist's secretary did not call back, and I did not expect the GP to respond, but the specialist nurse came back to tell me that the Oncologist did not want to do anything until the general surgeons had finished with me (?another month). More remarkable, the Professor's secretary sent me an email to say that he had faxed a referral to the IoU!!

The best kind of war: victory without a shot being fired..............

Now, at long last, my treatment will be in the hands of people who know what they are doing and have (I hope) an efficient system to support them.

And now a song about something just as improbable:

Late news: email from the Onclogist inviting me to meet him on Monday........after his normal clinic has finished! Not sure what provoked that, but something worked. No need really, but would be impolite to turn his offer down.

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