Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wasting time and money

The straight line thinking of the NHS strikes again!

Picture the scene:
  • A Radiologist looks at an MRI scan and spots something in your guts that could be a problem or could be nothing

  • (S)he tells the urological surgeon who commissioned the scan

                                                 Most of a working week passes.............

  • The surgeon tells the client that he will need to be seen by the gut team before his prostate can be dealt with........he makes a referral to the gut people saying "please take a look (colonoscopy) and deal with if necessary"

                                                     A week passes..........

  • The gut team have a team meeting and decide that they should take a look........
So far, a lot of time has been wasted and nothing has happened. Now call me naive, but I expected the next step to be a call which said something to the effect of "sorry about the delay, have space in endoscopy list, please come in and let's do it" . Late, but hey ho, this is the NHS. Nope! Another possibility that had not even crossed my mind:

'phone call to say "please come to Sittingbourne on Friday so that the consultant can talk to you". No mention of actually doing anything, just another meeting to decide whether anything should be done.

He already has the scans, the info about me, the radiologist's opinion and the opinion of his colleague, but still has to see me, decide on his terms and then, perhaps, put me on the list for the procedure, the absence of which has brought everything else to a stop.

The serious point of this is that the NHS is now scared of its own shadow and refuses point blank to doanything that does not follow a step by step process. It does not matter if the "patient"  has to put their entire life on hold, or dies waiting for them to make their minds up, as long as the process is followed.

I hate to think what the wasted time has cost the NHS so far. My money, your money! Then they bleat about not having enough funding.......................I give in!

Now some young people's music for a change (i.e. post 1971). The first two are very young, the third are a band who probably still wear short trousers when not on stage..............

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