Tuesday 21 October 2014

Not a lot happening, and a lot happening........

No real update on the story today, but blog writing is becoming a bit addictive.........hopefully safer than cigarettes!

Two letters arrived from the hospital, both copies: one from the Professor to the consultant at UCH in London referring me as requested (he got it slightly wrong, but nothing I cannot rectify when I meet with the chap); the other a letter to my GP from the Gut man telling him that he would be taking a closer look.................

Neat way of leading back to endoscopy preparation. Only clear fluid from lunch today (8 and a bit hours ago as I write) until I get home tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately, "clear fluid" may have its compensations as both beer and whisky are clear and I could find nothing in the leaflet that might lead me to believe that alcohol is proscribed.

All I shall add is that not eating for 24 hours+ is going to be hard, and that the Industrial Drain Cleaner tastes pretty bad. I will leave the rest for you to block out of your imagination.

Finding a suitable song that I knew was not easy; I think that this one partly works, but may not appeal to many...........


If that was a bit too much for you, here's a more whimsical song from the Velvets:


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