Friday 10 October 2014

Time wasting: a Medway obsession

Another morning wiped out for no reason because of the NHS!

You may recall that I was told that I have to have an endoscopy following the discovery of s "blip" in an MRI scan. Simple procedure..............

I was summoned to meet the general surgeon and duly toddled along, on time, this morning to a little cottage hospital about 6 miles in the opposite direction from Medway. 10:40 was the allotted time, so I made sure that I was there by 10:30.

First problem: reception could not find any notes for me (they were not needed, so I explained that one and was let through)

10:30 took seat in waiting room. Clean and quiet, quite a change from Medway Maritime!

10:40 nothing

10:50 nothing

11:00 nothing

11:10 nothing

11:15 contemplated just giving up and going home

11:20 summoned just as I was on the point of getting up to leave
Hint to hospitals: how about sending people a text if your clinic is running behind?

Met very nice surgeon after excluding the obligatory medical student. He explained what an endoscopy was and what their plan of campaign would be. No real revelations and the "outcome" was that he said he would book me in "sometime in the next fortnight". Call me impatient, but "I have booked you in for" would have been a lot more efficient. Even better would have been a letter explaining what he told me face to face and confirming an endoscopy appointment without having to waste an entire morning going to Sitttingbourne. Funnily enough, the consultant agreed with me!!

Still no word from the oncologist......................

I have held off using this link for a long time, but I think that the time has come for a song whose refrain sums up the Medway NHS might want to turn the sound up!

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